Eileen B. Brookman Elementary School
Constructing the Path to Success
Student Mission Statement
We, the students of Brookman Elementary, will do the best we can, at all times, in all subjects to achieve higher standards. With the help of our teachers, staff, family, and friends, we will construct the path to success.
Mission Statement
Brookman Elementary School fosters a positive learning environment that addresses the cognitive, physical, cultural, social, and emotional needs of students, and encourages them to become self-directed, lifelong learners. Brookman Elementary will provide opportunities for students to learn, communicate effectively, solve problems competently, think critically and creatively, and act responsibly. These goals are best achieved when a strong partnership is in place, encompassing home, school, and communitiy.
Vision Statement
The students of Brookman Elementary School will possess a strong foundation upon which future successes can be built.